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Articles > Tips for Better Living: > So Many Choices!

So Many Choices!

“You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’ – but not everything is good for you. You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’ – but not everything is beneficial.”1

I have read that some sources suggest that the average person makes an astonishing 35,000 choices per day. If a person sleeps roughly 7 hours per day, that means that we are making approximately 2,000 decisions per hour! I am not sure how this research has been done, or how accurate it really is, but more than likely you won’t remember making all those decisions. Simple choices like taking a sip of coffee, reading or ignoring a phone notification, crossing your legs, scratching your ear, or repositioning ourselves, are choices that may go unnoticed, but they all add up. Regardless of exactly how many decisions we actually make in a day, we cannot deny the fact that we are constantly faced with choices from the moment we crawl out of bed each morning. Even simple choices can have big consequences. If you have ever chosen the wrong pair of shoes to wear for an all-day outing, it is likely that you will suffer from sore feet and possible blisters that night!

As John C. Maxwell said, “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” We can choose who we want to be. Our past cannot dictate our future, because when we come to Christ, all things are new! God’s grace is new every day, so if we didn’t make great choices yesterday, we have the choice to make it right today. Ask for forgiveness, focus on the good in others, make time for fun, be kind, play that game with your children, stop worrying, trust God. Cherish the blessings God is giving you in each moment, and don’t forget the most important choice of all… choosing to let Jesus be Lord and Savior of your life. This decision will determine where you spend eternity, so choose wisely. He chose to give His all for us but will not force us to choose Him. He desires our love, but this is our choice. Like today’s verse says, we are allowed to do anything, but let us seek God’s will and ask Him to help us make decisions that are good and beneficial for us, for this life and eternity.

Suggested prayer: Dear God, thank you that I do not have to face life alone because you are always with me. Please give me wisdom to make good choices that will be beneficial for me and those around me. Help me choose to be like you every day, and when I stumble, help me get up and keep moving forward in your grace. Thank you for giving us the freedom to make choices. Thank you for the gift of salvation in your Son Jesus for all those who choose to believe. Gratefully. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

  1. 1 Corinthians 10:23 (NLT).

Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.