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Articles > About God: > Our Interrupting God

Our Interrupting God

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.1


Interruptions can cause great annoyances. If I’m running late and run into unexpected traffic that interrupts my schedule, or the weather interrupts our park day, it’s annoying. When I hurry in to buy just one item at the store and there is only one check stand open, or I pull into the pump on the opposite side of my tank at the gas station, these small interruptions have the power to ruin my day. Sometimes, I just want to get dinner done and my daughter wants to help. Knowing that her “help” will cause me more work becomes an annoyance. But what I fail to see is the big picture; the one that God already sees. I can’t remember how many times my “running late” saved me from the accident that caused the traffic, or the rainy park day turned into a cozy movie day with my kids. In each circumstance, there was an opportunity for God to shine brighter. In each situation there was a lesson to be learned. In my impatience, I fail to see a cashier that needs an encouraging word, or a pregnant couple on their way to the hospital who needs to fill their gas tank quicker than I do; I miss out on the moments shared with my children because I just want to ‘get it done’. God uses these moments to purposely interrupt us.


When we are so caught up in ourselves that we don’t take mind to others’ feelings and circumstances, we need God to interrupt us, make us take a step back, and see that He is the one moving the pieces in our life in perfect order. Be open. Be flexible. Allow God to change your plans in order to accomplish His Divine purpose. Instead of becoming frustrated and annoyed, be intentional in looking for the ways the Lord might be working and then be willing to join Him. When we do, those annoying little interruptions become blessings.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, please forgive me for becoming so focused on my own agenda that I miss out on Yours. Allow me to be aware of your moving so that I may recognize Your Divine interruptions in my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



1.    Proverbs 16:9 (NLT).




Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.