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Articles > Tips for Better Living: > The Righteous Person

The Righteous Person

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.1


Have you ever met a person who is ready to lend a word of encouragement or a friendly smile for absolutely no reason at all? More importantly, have you ever been that person?


I recently spent a few days at the hospital as a visitor, and at every turn and on every floor, in the elevator or in the cafeteria, someone offered a smile; some boldly offered kind words. Perfect strangers showed compassion and consideration because, in some way, we were all going through the same thing. Naturally, this challenged me; I am a Christian; I do confess Christ; are my actions showing the righteousness that represents Jesus? I decided to be the next kind word and share the next smile. Immediately, those small actions produced a conversation with a grateful, tired wife who had been at her dying husband's bedside for days and a bit of hope to a heartbroken friend who patiently awaited her friend’s diagnosis.


As Christians, we have the responsibility to act righteously because our God is righteous. God’s Word guides us on how to live righteous lives. The evidence of a righteous person is noted through their words and actions. When those two are aligned, our words will bring life to those we encounter. The righteous should have compassion for others, just like our Lord Jesus who showed compassion and care to all, regardless of their place in society. But compassion isn’t about pity; it must be carried out with actions. A righteous person does not withhold kindness from those who need it. And how do we know who needs it? We can’t know unless we ask, so giving it freely to all is the best approach! The life of a righteous person is to be a channel of blessing.


I encourage you today to lend a smile or a kind word to someone; you may be pleasantly surprised by the response. You don’t need a reason to be kind. Allow God’s love to shine through you and be a path of righteousness for others.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, You are the ultimate example of righteousness and I want to be more like you. Give me the courage to share kindness with a world that is so much in need of your love. Allow righteousness to flow through me so that others may be blessed because of Christ in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    Proverbs 11:25 (ESV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.