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Great Treasure

I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.1

William Randolf Hearst was a famous newspaperman and art collector. He proudly filled his mansion with artful masterpieces. One day he learned of a painting that was supposed to be especially valuable and commanded his scouts to search for it. At last, one of them returned and reported that he had located the painting. Excitedly, Mr. Hearst commanded him to buy it! The amused scout replied, “You already own it! It’s sitting in a crate in one of your warehouses!”


Hearst valued his masterpieces and always longed for more, but didn’t realize that he already held in his possession the one of greatest value. How could he have overlooked having such a grand treasure? The same way we overlook our most valued treasure — God’s Word.


This priceless Masterpiece sits in the home of every believer, many times hidden from view and forgotten. We go through life, day by day, seeking guidance and counsel from others when our Ultimate Guide (Ps. 73:24) sits collecting dust in a crate. We search far and wide for the secret to happiness while the Answer to a full and abundant life (Jn. 10:10) lies on a shelf in a dark room. There is no treasure on Earth that compares to the Treasure found in God’s Word. We have this Masterpiece within our reach and forget all about it. But our God is merciful and patiently waits for you to remember your Creator and return to Him. God’s Word is the timeless masterpiece that holds value and treasure for all mankind. Do you treasure God’s Word? Do you keep God’s Word hidden in your heart or in a crate somewhere in your home? The psalmist meditated on God’s Word and hid It specifically in his heart (Ps. 119:11) to be with him always. Hiding it in a drawer, or on a coffee table or bookshelf will only act as unappreciated art. God’s Word impacts your life when it is in you, not near you. When you treasure the Scriptures, reading them frequently and meditating upon them, they become etched upon your heart to be appreciated by all who come in contact with you.


Rejoice in the Treasure of God’s Word today.  Set aside time to read it—hide it in your heart and display it on the walls of your life for all to see!


Suggested Prayer: Father, I rejoice in the Treasure of your Word and the blessing of finding You in its pages. Will you give me a renewed desire to meet you there daily? I want Your Word hidden in my heart and I want Your love displayed on the walls of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1.    Psalm 119:162 (NKJV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.