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Articles > About Faith: > Let us pray without ceasing

Let us pray without ceasing

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."1

At the beginning of the year, some of us are inundated with invitations to parties and events to mark the start of the year. In the midst of such a frenetic pace and so many choices and decisions, we must not forget that the greatest invitation in history is made to us daily, and that is to relate, to be in communion, and to establish communication with God.


He is the God that hears us. He is the God with a great heart who has compassion on us. He is the almighty, loving, merciful, gracious God.


In today's passage, Paul proposes that we reframe our perspective of prayer and see it as a great adventure and an authentic journey with God.


Paul exhorts each of us to devote ourselves to prayer. He calls us to prayer without reservation. The original language interprets this word as 'strength', which means that Paul is saying, "Invest your strength in this." Fervent prayer is not something we practice passively, but is an exercise in effort, focus, and determination.


Just as we need to constantly invest and nurture a relationship with someone we love, so it is with God. Prayer is an intentional, dynamic, and focused effort.


Unreserved prayer is persistent prayer. It's something God invites us all to on a daily basis. He calls us to draw near, walk, and talk with him, as well as to work in his Kingdom. Prayer is our life, not a lifestyle choice.


This year, let us decide to make prayer our main goal and priority. Let us give ourselves completely to prayer, avoiding unnecessary distractions, ignoring trivial interruptions, and intentionally choosing to draw closer to God's presence each day. When we do, we will experience greater joy, our trust in God will increase, and we will reflect the heart of Jesus to those around us. So today, dedicate yourself to prayer!


Suggested Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I commit now to spending more time with you this year. I want to enter into your presence more regularly, so that I experience who you are more fully and receive Your power to live in victory. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.


1.    Colossians 4:2 (NIV).


Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.