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Wrinkle-Released Prayer

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.1


One of my least favorite household chores is ironing. When I was a newlywed, I enjoyed ironing my husband’s shirts and leaving them looking crisp and neat. But, over the years it became tiresome and I found myself struggling through the task. One day, we discovered a handheld clothes steamer. I found ironing to be enjoyable again because the steamer made the task so simple! Although steaming my clothes is still my preferred method of ironing, the task is sometimes time-consuming and most of the time I’d rather choose an item of clothing that doesn’t need attention. Recently, my sister introduced me to a wrinkle-release spray — my new best friend! It’s great for most types of fabrics and all you have to do is spray the garment, give it a little shake and you’re good to go. Ironing has never been so easy!


We may find ourselves looking at our prayer life the same way. When we first came to Christ, we found praying to be enjoyable because we had so much to say to God. Our “newlywed” status made us look forward to those moments with the Savior and we found ourselves with more words than time. Our prayers were smooth and crisp every day. With time, we may have found that our prayer time has become shorter and we now find ourselves with more time than words. When we do make time to talk to the Father, our prayers sound jumbled and confusing; sometimes at a loss for words. We may want to pray for someone’s problems and are unsure what to ask for regarding their needs. Other times we may ask for the wrong things because we don’t know that God already has a plan in store for us. This is when the Holy Spirit comes to our rescue, because like the handy steamer and sprays, sometimes the Holy Spirit has to step in and release the wrinkles from our prayers and straighten them out before they reach the Father. God desires for us to spend time with Him in prayer, so don’t neglect that time because you’re rushing. God deserves the very best, don’t look for easy solutions to prayer. Give Him your time, your effort, and come to Him with your whole heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to spray your words with wisdom, give your prayers a little shake and pass them on, neatly and smoothly, straight to the Father’s heart!


Suggested Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are worthy of so much more than I have to offer you, so I give you my heart. I ask that the Holy Spirit dwell there and guide my prayers to be a sweet-smelling odor for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


1.    Romans 8:26 (ESV).


Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.