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Love For A Lifetime: A Story of Faithfulness

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen... And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.1


One summer while on a choir tour, Bob was staying at the home of a gracious widow in her eighties named Irene. On a shelf in her home, Bob saw a photograph of an elderly man.


“Is that your husband?” he inquired.

 “Yes, and we had three wonderful years of marriage.”

 “Did you marry later in life?”

 “Oh no,” she exclaimed. “Samuel and I were married for forty years.”

Bob was really confused. “If you were married 40 years, why do you say that you only had ‘three wonderful years’ together?” Irene went on to explain.


“When we married, I was a believer, Samuel was not. There were so many things that I wanted to share with him but couldn’t. I prayed every day for 25 years that my beloved Samuel would become a believer. One day, I sensed God’s assurance that he would, but it didn’t happen right away, so I continued praying daily for 12 more years. Finally, Samuel came to believe that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. After that we had three of the most wonderful years of intimacy that any couple could hope for together before his death.”


Throughout Scripture we are told of God’s faithfulness toward His children and are able to see His faithfulness exemplified in those who followed His commandments. Abraham and Sarah were one such example. Though they had longed for children and at times even felt despair at the lack of family, they remained faithful and kept their sights on the Lord’s promise. Keeping God at the center of their relationship allowed them to reap God’s blessings throughout the years as they patiently waited for God’s will to be revealed. Sarah was 90 years old when the Lord finally blessed her with a child. God is always faithful to His promises (Heb.10:23) and in His time we will rejoice in the blessings He has in store for us. Where is God asking you to be patient today? Trust that God is faithful and reap the rewards of your faithfulness to Him.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for being true in your promises. Help me to trust that your will is perfect and I need to be faithful for your time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1. Hebrews 11:1 & 6 (ESV).


Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.