Undeserved Love
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.1
As humans, we often struggle to accept the fact that God loves us unconditionally. It is hard to understand how someone could love us even when we mess up. I have had this conversation with many people, and, more often than not, this is because we are stuck in the human “give and take” mindset when it comes to love. In many marriages, and relationships in general, you must “earn” love, acceptance, and time before it is given. If there are disagreements or disappointments in the relationship, this may affect how love is demonstrated.
While this concept of unconditional love may be difficult for us to grasp because of our human brokenness, this is the only kind of love God has towards us, His children. His love is not dependent on how “good” we are and will not change when we fail. Now, this doesn’t mean that we can go live ungodly lives and do whatever we want because God’s love is unconditional. We must remember that God cannot see sin, so if we choose to practice sin, we intentionally create a separation between ourselves and God and will reap the consequences of our actions. Does he still love us? Absolutely. However, it is our choice to receive that love and love Him in return. There a huge difference between choosing to live in sin and missing the mark on occasion. Our goal should always be to be like Jesus, but we are human and will make mistakes.
The important thing to remember in any situation is that God loves us no matter what. If we have strayed from His will, he awaits your return with arms wide open. No condemnation, just a loving Father ready to give you renewed life. If we fail, cling tight to God’s hand, get up and keep going. The more we accept and experience God’s love in our lives, the more we can put it into practice towards others.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, I have done nothing to deserve your love, yet you give it to me freely. Sometimes I condemn myself for the mistakes I make and drift from you believing I am unworthy. In these moments, help me remember that, in Jesus, I am loved, worthy, forgiven, and accepted. My mind can’t begin to comprehend the depths of your love, but I ask that you help me be a channel of your love to those around me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Romans 5:8 (NLT).
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.