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God's faithfulness endures forever

"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."1


One of the greatest truths we can tattoo on our hearts is the promise that no one can or will love you like your Heavenly Father. The Bible makes this clear by stating that we have received an everlasting love, through which we are drawn by God to Himself, over and over again. No matter how we feel, no matter what circumstances we're going through, that's an unconditional promise in Scripture.


Think about the people you love and care about. Regardless of how much you've known those people, or how much you love them, the love you feel and express will somehow fail and be tested beyond its limits. If you're married, you'll love your spouse, but sometimes you'll fail them. If you have siblings, parents, or children, you will fail them at some point, because no one is perfect. No one, except God.


We must understand that there are two aspects of God's love that cannot be replicated in human relationships.


First, God's love is completely unconditional. There are no clauses or contracts that determine whether he will continue to love us. We don't have to act or behave in a way that makes us worthy of receiving His love. Today’s verse says that His love is eternal. Even if we are not always consistent, we can be joyful (Psalm 100:1) and worship Him with gladness, because He is God (Psalm 100:2).


Second, God's love is completely consistent. It is not uncertain, unknown, or unpredictable. You never have to question whether God loves you, for Scripture declares that His faithfulness endures forever. You are loved because of your position in Christ, as a child of the Most High God, not because of your day-to-day performance.


Therefore, give thanks to God and praise His name. Bless him, for he has blessed you, and watch as your love for him expands, your intimacy with him deepens, and your zest for life increases, for the God you love and serve has the whole world and those in Him in his mighty hands.


In what areas of your life and in what situations have you seen God pour out His provision and demonstrated His protection over you and your loved ones?


Suggested Prayer: Precious Lord Jesus, I thank you for your unconditional love and eternal faithfulness in my life, keep my eyes, my hands and my ears attentive to your work, so that I may be an extension of your great love for others. Let me at all times praise your name for all that you do in me and through me. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


1.    Psalm 100:5.



Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.


All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.