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Taste and See

Taste and See


Taste and see that the Lord is good…1


I have been caring for my diabetic aunt for a couple of years now and have become accustomed to the sugar-free treats she enjoys sharing with me. But the other day, when she poured me a glass of beet juice, I could only wrinkle my nose as she offered me the bright red liquid. Any health benefits that could be mine were overpowered by the smell of dirt! Although the color was beautiful, the aroma was not. Nevertheless, she convinced me to try it, and what a surprise to find that it was not only refreshing, but very tasty! She had used a natural agave sweetener that made the, otherwise bitter, vegetable taste good!   


Galatians 5:22 says that goodness is a Fruit of the Spirit. As Believers in Christ, we want to bring goodness to those around us by offering them something that is good for them — Jesus! God is the only source of all that is Good. And as we keep in step with the Holy Spirit, we become more like Christ. His desire is for us to spread goodness, His Goodness, to all who encounter us, His children, and taste a bit of Him. When people know that you are a Christian, they might wrinkle their nose at you, just as they might for anything that they know is good for them and don’t want to try. But if you are a child of God, who is walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit, you will naturally have fruit dripping off of you. Jesus is the natural sweetener that will allow the fruit you share to taste Good to them. So, go on and share a tall, refreshing glass of Jesus with someone today! Allow them to taste and see, and be delighted by the Goodness of the Lord.


Dear God, I have tasted and seen Your Goodness in countless ways. Fill me with Your sweetness and use me to share that with someone today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    Psalm 34:8 (NIV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.