Divine Loyalty
Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”1
Have you ever heard someone say, “Oh, I would never do that.” Maybe you have said it. And then one day you find that person, or yourself, doing the very thing vowed would never be done? It may have been something of little significance or it could have been life-altering, like it was in the case of Peter.
On the night that Jesus was to be arrested, He sat at dinner with His disciples and told them of the sequence of events that would be occurring in the next few hours. The one that made everyone's ears perk up was when Jesus calmly mentioned that one of them would betray Him that night. “Wait, what?” “Not me!” “Who will?” I can hear the speculations going on around the table; “Is it you?” Peter, seeming to be the boldest of them all, spoke out saying, “Even if everyone does, I never will!” To which Jesus said, “Actually, Peter, before the rooster crows, you will have denied you ever knew me — three times!” Peter adamantly refused this accusation retorting, “No! Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you!” (Mat. 26:31-35) Everyone agreed with Peter; but if you know the story, you know that things didn’t go as Peter planned and he was bitterly reminded of his words upon hearing that timely rooster!
Peter considered himself to be one of Jesus’ most loyal friends and his infamous denial broke his heart. He was so sure of himself and never imagined that he wouldn’t have the will-power to stand for what he believed. And that is where we, like Peter, all falter. We come to rely on our own ability to stand but when the pressure gets too strong we fold. Paul warned us of this quite clearly in 1 Cor. 10:12, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”
Fortunately for us, Jesus is loyal and when we feel we are vulnerable in our faith, we have only to call on Him for strength. Our loyalty to Him may fail, but praise the Lord, because His Divine Loyalty toward us never will!
Suggested prayer: Dear God, I am not capable of living my life without you and your guidance. I draw my strength from you today asking you to help me stand firm. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. Matthew 26:33.
Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.