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Articles > Tips for Better Living: > Guilt-Free Friendship

Guilt-Free Friendship

Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.1


I want to be the kind of friend who gives the gift of guilt-free friendship. In a world where we are so good at guilting ourselves over our weight, our workout routines or lack thereof, the state of our houses, our kids, or our spiritual lives, I want to create safe spaces for my friends to know that my friendship is one thing they can count on to come without a side of guilt.


A guilt-free friendship says, “I will always assume the best about your motives.” This kind of friendship focuses solely on friendship; it isn't about criticizing or judging the other. Instead, it is generous and forgiving and creates a space for reconnecting because it doesn't have any conditions for how or when or how often that happens. It is the most precious gift we can give each other.


Our example of friendship comes from our Lord Jesus who showed us what an ultimate friendship looks like. Jesus referred to His disciples as friends (Jn. 15:15) and furthermore, He made His friendship available to any who might desire it. Jesus took a special interest in His friends. He hand-picked them, carefully bringing together different personalities that would greatly further His Kingdom. He cared for them and provided for them. He looked after their welfare, loved them, and counseled them. At the end of the day, Jesus comforted and encouraged His friends to be the greatest version of themselves; providing them a guilt-free friendship where, in Him, each could just be themselves. However, for His disciples to offer that kind of friendship in return required that they be consistently loyal and faithful to Him. That goes for us as well.


Friendship with God begins with reconciliation, leads to intimacy with (and enjoyment of) Him and results in the sanctification and development of our character. Friendship with God transforms us and enables us to truly flourish in our relationships with others, allowing us to enjoy a guilt-free sort of friendship with our favorite people!


Suggested Prayer: Dear God, what an honor it would be to be able to be called Your friend. Teach me how to be the kind of friend that you are; loving and merciful, encouraging and forgiving. I love you, Lord, and I desire a friendship with You above all else! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Proverbs 27:9 (CSB).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.