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Happy New Year—Begin With the End in Mind

It was Steven Covey, author of the popular book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," who coined the phrase, "Begin with the end in mind."

Most of us know that New Year Resolutions we make at the beginning of each New Year usually last until the next setback or challenge we face.

However, if we print a copy of Steven Covey’s Seven Habits and tape them to the fridge or other prominent place and read them often, we have a much greater chance of finishing this New Year with a sense of achievement:

Steven Covey's Seven Habits:

1. Be proactive. Don't stand still. Take the initiative
   and be responsible.
2. Begin with the end in mind. Start any activity, a
   meeting, run, day, or life, with an end in
   mind. Work to that end and make sure your
   values are aligned with your goals.
3. Put first things first. Prioritize your life
   so you're working on the important stuff.
4. Think win/win. This is pretty obvious. You get what
   you put in.
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
   Listen to emphasize, obtain information, and
   understand the other person's point of view.
6. Synergize. Work to create outcomes that are greater
   than the individual parts.
7. Sharpen the saw. Cultivate the essential elements
   of your character: physical, mental, social/
   emotional, and spiritual.1

And as Pastor Tod Bolsinger put it, "We need to live every day with the end in mind—and most important of all, live with Jesus' end in mind."

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."2

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me every day this year to live, not only with the end of this year in mind but with the end of my life in mind so that, when I stand before You to give an account of my life, I will hear Your welcome words, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of Your Lord.' So help me God. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’s name, amen."

1. Steven, Covey,
2. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV).


All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.