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Articles > About Faith: > Waiting Patiently

Waiting Patiently

I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry... And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.1


Very few of us can claim patience as a virtue. Living in a world of instant gratification, we’ve lost patience for waiting. We enjoy instant meals, instant messaging, instant payments and banking; we really haven’t much need for waiting anymore. If we want something, we do our best to get it instantly.


But with God, time works differently. Compared to eternity, our entire lives are only an instant. Sometimes I feel, though, that time goes by so quickly that I don’t have enough time to fully enjoy all those precious moments that living patiently has to offer. Remember Abraham and Sarah? They waited an entire lifetime for God to bless them with their promised heir, Isaac. According to Scripture, Sarah was not all that patient at waiting either! She longed to see God’s promise fulfilled and even went as far as to take matters into her own hands when she decided to give her servant to her husband to bear a child for her. But God still made her wait for her own blessing until it was His appointed time. Today, we can read about the happy ending for this couple, but how difficult it must have been for them not knowing how God’s promise would unfold.2


Without a doubt, waiting on the Lord and believing in His promises can be hard. God’s Word is filled with promises — that He has kept! Ask God to show you the plans He has for you. You can be sure He has them! (Jer. 29:11) And then, wait patiently while He reveals His plan for your life. You may ask, “But what if I’m not good enough?” “What if HE isn’t Good enough?” “What if He doesn’t provide on time?” “What if my situation never changes?” or “What if I can take care of this myself?” At this point you have two options: Doubt God or Believe in His Word. I can tell you, though, that even in your doubt, He will remain faithful and He will never fail you. Don’t allow impatience and frustration to be the reason you miss out on God’s greatest blessings. God’s promises bring greater pleasure than anything “instant” could ever give. He gives eternal gratification and His ever-comforting presence that assures us of His goodness and fills us with hope while we patiently wait on the fulfillment of His promises. Enjoy His presence while you wait!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, waiting is hard for me. Help me to rely on the promise that You are Faithful to Your Word and I will reap the blessings of the plans You have for me in Your perfect time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Psalms 40:1,3 (KJV).

2. Genesis 16-21.



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.