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Missionary Ripples

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."1


The idea of being a missionary in another country does not appeal to very many of us. The thought of having to learn a new language or culture takes “leaving our comfort zone” to a whole different level! Yet, the Bible is clear on God’s will for His children — we are to “go”!  When we think about going into all the world and making disciples, we automatically hear “Missionary” and it's easy to assume that we need to change our location to fulfill God’s purpose. But being a missionary is not defined by travel time, and when we see it as only that, we misunderstand the ripple effect that God's love can produce — anywhere!


We can begin the ripples by simply offering a smile to the cashier that can later be passed along to the weary nurse who's grabbing lunch that may help give her the strength to hold the hand of someone we'll never meet as they battle cancer. The ripples continue when the kind word we speak to a friend gives them the courage they need when they go on a business trip to another continent and has the chance to share God’s Love in the form of kindness with a stranger in a different land.


We will probably never see how being obedient in the ‘Here and Now’ can wondrously go on and on through generations to someday make a difference in the ‘Then and There’.  Maybe you've heard God whispering to your heart to “go” — but where?  Your “going” just out your front door is filled with the same potential and purpose as the one who boards a plane and “goes” far away to share God’s Word. Your reach, assisted by God’s Holy ripples, is endless. We serve a God who is not boxed in by time, circumstances, or geography. He is everywhere, all the time, with everyone. His work in and through us is unlimited. The best place to start sharing His love is within the walls of your own home. Our spouse and our children will be the first to carry out the ripples we toss at them. Make sure those ripples are filled with kindness and love and allow them to carry them on and on.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your loving kindness and mercy on my life. I ask that you fill me with them as I go about my day so that I might share a smile or a kind word allowing Your Love to ripple through all who I come in contact with. In Jesus’ Holy name, Amen.


1. Matthew 28:19-20.



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.