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Articles > About Faith: > Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!1


A young girl lay curled in her father’s arms as the doctors prepared to do a spinal tap on her sick body. Limp and fragile, she struggled against her father’s restraints for the pain was like nothing she had ever felt. She cried as she looked up at her father, only to see his eyes flooded with tears as well. She didn’t understand why he allowed those people to hurt her and at one point she wailed, “Daddy, make them stop!”. Years later, with her body now healed, the man explained to his daughter that it had been the hardest thing he had ever done and had wished a thousand times he could have lifted her and taken her home, but because it had been for her own good; for her healing, he had held her tight under the suffering.


God is this way in our lives. When we struggle against the pain of our trials, when we suffer the pain of heartache, when our questions don’t get answered, God our Father, gently but firmly, with tears in His eyes, holds us down to endure it all for our own good; for our healing; and for His glory. Many times we blame God for our suffering and question why He allows it. We fail to recognize His Goodness and His Faithfulness through it all. We fail to see that God is always there. He gives, He provides, He heals, He is Good. He knows the desires of our hearts and longs to see them through. He has shown His love for us in every possible way. Perhaps you’re suffering through your struggles right now and need to be reminded that God is with you, through it all. All you have to do is ask Him to be your strength, your courage, and your comfort. Allow Him to provide peace in your pain and hold fast to the promise that our Father knows best and He wants to give you good things!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, I’m tired of fighting through the pain of my sin and suffering. Please take my heart and heal it; make me whole again. I ask that you fill me with your peace and help me through the difficult time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Matthew 7:11 (ESV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.