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Better Together

But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.1


When I was a teenager, you didn’t have to ask me twice to go on a roller coaster. The thrill of built-up adrenaline gave me the courage to ride any upside down, corkscrew, loopy-looper — so long as I was in a group and everyone else was getting on too! It didn’t matter how scared I was, there was safety in numbers. Had I been alone, there was no way I could do it and I would have missed out on the thrill of that adventure.


The roller-coaster mission Jesus had for his disciples in Matthew 10 was a big one! I can imagine them listening carefully to Jesus’ plan as their eyes grew wider and wider. Their sweaty palms were an indication that their hearts were pounding and their minds were racing. He was commissioning them to do something far outside their comfort zone. Healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead are not small matters; definitely not for the faint of heart! Jesus was asking them to do a life-changing work that would most likely stir up lots of attention and controversy. Jesus even warned them of the potential danger, hatred, and loss of every earthly thing they held dear — a consequence of doing His Kingdom work. But what would make all the difference was that they weren’t being asked to go at it alone. They would have each other and God would be with them every step of the way.


It was no coincidence that Jesus sent the twelve men out together. They weren’t going to an amusement park, they were going out to battle. They would be taking on both spiritual and physical enemies as they followed God’s calling. However, they would find strength and safety in each other. They would draw courage from each other when all they felt was fear. At some point they might encounter circumstances that may be too tough to bear alone.


Jesus was showing us the power of community; one that is stronger when He is at the center, giving us strength through the people around us who support us. There is no need to go through life’s scary times alone. Rely on your team and follow HIS lead!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, Your love toward your children is without compare. You have given us so much and I am so grateful. Thank you for never leaving us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Matthew 10:19-20 (NIV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.