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Remember the Good

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.1


My three children are in completely different stages of their lives and it's so interesting to watch as they navigate through their situations, relationships, and age-appropriate stresses. My oldest is in his third year of college and is quickly learning that not all of becoming an adult is fun and games. The realization that finances are a huge part of living and that he is now responsible for much of it has caused him some unwelcome stress and watching him learn those lessons is quite hard for me, as a mom, to allow him to go at it alone. The oldest of my girls is in her last year of high school and is learning to confide more of her worries to me as she reaches womanhood. Though she can still enjoy the comfort of home, the nature of her worries shift to the near future and “what ifs” that come with her next steps. Yet, my youngest, who is still in elementary school, stresses about why it's her turn to set the table again! Although each has their own situations to battle through, they are all learning to rely on God for guidance and to see his blessings in every circumstance. It would be nice to say to my children that “this is just a season” and “all this will pass”, but as we all know, some of these situations only grow (or maybe change) over time but they never go away! My goal, as a parent, is that my children will understand that we will face moments when we feel overwhelmed, confused, conflicted, or hurt. We may struggle to make it through the day, worry about tomorrow and the grand plan for our future. During these times, we might feel afraid, worried, or that things are out of our control, but, there is a silver lining because — God, my Father, loves me! He is for me! Nothing is too difficult for our God! When we realize that our God can and will provide for our needs, we can then rest in Him because we can trust in Him and better yet, nothing can separate us from His love. Once we’ve experienced being in God’s care, when we find ourselves faced with struggles, we can look back and remember His mercy and grace toward us and how He works things out for our good. Growing up is an exciting time! Growing in God’s Grace is essential.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, as I suffer the growing pains of living life on this earth, fill me with your grace to put every situation in Your able hands. Give me the strength to rely on Your perfect plan for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    Psalms 103:1-2 (NIV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.