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Articles > About Faith: > Time to Evacuate

Time to Evacuate

“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”1

Having been born and raised in Southern California, I have been preparing for fires and earthquakes since I was in kindergarten. Twice a year schools are required to conduct practice drills to ensure children know what to do in case of an emergency. And although there are always earthquakes and fires around us, rarely are they strong enough or close enough to be noticed.

Recently, our family moved to a home that is nestled in the foot of the mountains. There have been a couple of fires in the mountains above us in the 2 years we have been here, however, just a couple of weeks ago, it happened. We were put on evacuation warning first, and we were fairly confident that is was just a precaution, but the next day, we got evacuated! Now, the point of evacuation warnings is to give you time to prepare all you are going to need in the case of mandatory evacuation. And while I did prepare the minimal, I was not as prepared as I thought when the police came to evacuate us. Thankfully, after four days of being evacuated, we were able to come home. There were many homes in the mountains above us that didn’t survive the blazing fire.

As Christians, we have already been given our evacuation warning. Today’s verse reminds us that we “must be ready all the time!’’ But just as I made the mistake of taking our evacuation warning lightly, too many Christians are failing to prepare for the second coming of Christ. Instead they think, “oh, we have plenty of time” or “it probably won’t even happen in my lifetime”. However, this evacuation warning has been given to all mankind, and it is our job to not only be prepared ourselves, but also to help others see the urgency to be ready for our Savior’s return.

Let us put aside the sin that is weighing us down, the feelings of resentment or bitterness, and all the things that are obstructing the mission God has called us to do. Christ will return! Let us be the vessels he uses to share the Good News of salvation with others, and set an example of a new life in Christ.

Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, help me not to take the time you have given me for granted. I want to live a life that glorifies you, and when you return, that I would be ready knowing that I have been a faithful servant. I want to do your will and share your love and salvation with as many as possible before the day comes when you call me home. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    Matthew 24:44 (NLT).

Today’s Encounter was written by: Crystal B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.