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No More Hiding

But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name.1


Have you ever felt like you wanted to hide from God? That your sin was so great you weren’t worthy of His grace? Or maybe feeling like your deeds didn’t merit Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and you didn’t deserve forgiveness? You may have found yourself at church feeling “safe” in the crowd knowing that you probably wouldn’t be singled out. But, what would you do if, just then, Jesus walked into the room? When I consider my sin and the things I’ve done that would likely separate me from our Good and Holy God, I think I might hide in my shame. And in the same moment I am reminded that God already knows my sin and He sees my heart and He loves me anyway! I don’t have to hide from Him because Jesus, in all His glory, already suffered my shame and I am truly forgiven!


God knows everything you’ve ever done and everything you’re going to do and He still loves you! And if He were to walk into the room, He would take you into His embrace and call YOU His child. John 1:12 says that when we receive Jesus and believe in His name, we are given the right to be called children of God and there is no need to stay hidden in our shame. In the Bible we see that God took in the harlots, the outcasts, the undesirable, the thieves and liars and made them — as He makes us — His sons and daughters. Then He takes it a step further and makes us new, holy and perfect in His sight! (Heb. 10:14)


Do you remember the harlot Rahab in the Old Testament? She was an unlikely woman whom God personally chose to use in His service. She was found humble and faithful, and by His grace, God used her. Rahab became the great, great grandmother to King David! And from David’s lineage came God’s holy Son, Jesus. A harlot (Rahab), an adulterer (David), and countless other unlikely people made up the lineage that God chose for Jesus — the Savior!


If a harlot can have faith and be used by God, then without a doubt God can use you too! No matter what sin you’re trying to hide, the qualifications are that you simply believe that Jesus is Lord of all; that He can, and will, make you new and holy; that He will work all things together for His good and perfect will; and that He loves YOU! No more hiding.


Suggested Prayer: Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I have done things that I am ashamed of and make me unworthy of your mercy. But I believe that You are God and You sacrificed everything so that my sins could be forgiven. So I ask you to forgive me and make me whole. Be the Lord of my life today. Thank you for loving me so much! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. John 1:12 (CSB).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.