Rulers or Governors
Peter, a disciple of Jesus, in addressing pastors and church leaders wrote, "Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord [dictate] it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example."1
In listening to an interview on a recent TV news commentary, the man being interviewed told how, immediately following his election, a current political leader had said that he was ready to rule. The interviewee noted wisely that politicians are elected to govern—not to rule! An excellent point to be sure. This brought to mind that some pieces of equipment have an inbuilt governor, a devise to govern the piece of equipment so that it doesn't exceed its limit, go out of control, or break down.
When voting for our political leaders, it is imperative to keep this principle in mind. What we need are leaders who govern—not rule. The same principle applies to church leaders as pointed out in today's word from God's Word, the Bible: pastors, priests, and church leaders are to lead and never to "lord" [dictate] it over anyone.
The fact is, whether it be a pastor, a politician, a father, or anyone else who is rigid and legalistic, such a one has a need to dictate/lord/control others because of his or her insecurity. These people only feel safe when they are in control, and have their own way—this, of course, is a false security. When voting for and/or choosing leaders, be sure to know who you are voting for, what he/she stands for, and how they govern. Go by what they have done in the past and never on what they merely say they are going to do in the present and future.
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me whenever I am in any kind of leadership role—be it minor or major—to never lord it over people to get my own way. Help me to be sensitive to others needs, listen to their input, lead by my own good example, and above all to lead as Jesus would lead. So help me God. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen."
1. 1 Peter 5:2-3 (NLT).
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.