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Just Breathe

“Be still and know that I am God...”1

 If you have ever spent any amount of time driving on a Southern Californian freeway, then, you are probably familiar with the terms “Rush Hour” and “Road Rage”. These terms usually go hand in hand because it is during “Rush Hour”, when everyone is quite literally rushing to get home after a long day, that we encounter fellow motorists raging through the lanes and cutting others off in the possible pursuit for some peace at home. These moments don’t usually bring out the best in us, and we find ourselves feeling a bit of that rage begin to surface. It is quite easy to feel stressed and even overwhelmed during these drive times because everyone around you seems to be in a race against time; a battle for the road.

In its original context, Psalm 46:10 is an account of God telling the warring nations to “be still”, stop fighting, stop warring, and acknowledge that I am God, exalted among the nations. These same words were used later in Scripture by Jesus to calm the raging winds and sea. In a moment when the apostles felt the rage of the storm coming upon them, Jesus spoke these words to once again make His power and authority known (Mark 4:37-41) 

Whether we find ourselves battling against time - where we never seem to have enough of it and we are always running late or deadlines are looming over us; whether it's a financial storm we’re in and are feeling overwhelmed by waves of bills or payments due and we just can't seem to stay afloat, that freeway suddenly becomes a metaphor for our lives in which we are constantly rushing or battling to be in a place where we can catch our breath. It is precisely at this moment when we need to step on the brake of our lives and slow down. It is now that we need to take a deep breath and acknowledge our Lord saying, “Be still. Know that I am in control and all of that rushing and raging and battling is for naught because I will be exalted! Just Breathe”.

 Suggested prayer: Dear Most Powerful Lord, as life rushes and rages all around me help me to remember that above all the noise there is you! And you have already won the victory over the battles that, in my mind, seek to defeat me. I come to you today to find rest. Please fill me with your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

 1. Psalm 46:10.

Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.