Seeking to be people of peace
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."1
There is a big difference between the standards the world invites us to follow and our principles. As followers of Jesus, we must not be swayed by the demands of the world, its patterns of behavior and daily actions, but we are called to live in peace with God, with ourselves, and with others. In this way, we can follow Jesus' example and give way for His light to rule in this world that desperately needs it. And as far as it is up to us, intentionally live in peace with all around us.
Some of the most important situations that rob us of peace are problems within our relationships, and Paul knows this all too well, Therefore, he points directly to the fundamentals of relationships, calling us to be at peace with one another.
This Christmas season, when the pressure mounts, remember: Sometimes the most effective way to represent God is to sit down, keep the peace, and listen. Keeping the peace doesn't mean repressing your desires and opinions, but insisting on the need to be like Jesus. We all want world peace, but do we do what is necessary to achieve peace in our own environment?
The question is: how do we do it? First of all, we must attack the problems, not others. Trying to find the culprit is the biggest waste of time. Second, we should focus on seeking reconciliation before an agreement. When we try to reach an agreement, we resolve the conflict. However, coming to an agreement is not always a realistic thing to do, as we are all uniquely set up and completely different. We won't always agree on everything. But being at peace with everyone means we can disagree without offending others. This is what maturity is all about. We can't keep the peace if we get caught up in the insignificant.
You and I have precisely what the world needs: Christ and His perfect peace. So the more intentional we are in seeking and maintaining peace, the more effective we will be in our mission to share God's love with others.
Open your heart and allow God to use you as an instrument of His peace to reach out to people who feel broken or despondent. In this way you will create paths, doors, and spaces for others to encounter Christ. How will you keep the peace with everyone around you this Christmas season?
Suggested Prayer: Precious Lord Jesus, fill me with your peace that surpasses all understanding to be an instrument in your hands. Give me discernment and wisdom when I face difficulties in my interpersonal relationships. I want to be firm in my convictions, and always seek peace and reconciliation rather than the desire to agree with everyone. Help me to be obedient as I seek your will for my life. In the name of my beloved Lord Jesus, Amen.
1. Romans 12:17-18 (NVI).
Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.