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The Blessing of Parenting

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”1


Parenting is both the greatest blessing and greatest trial that God, in His Wisdom, so graciously blessed us with; though not everyone may agree with that! Depending on what stage of parenting you may find yourself in, you may lean more one way than the other. New parents may find joy in cuddling their new baby or feel stressed by the lack of sleep that a new blessing brings. In the toddler stage you may encounter an energetic child who runs the house and doesn't understand the word “no”. Jump to the adolescent years and that same toddler is still not wanting to understand that rules are made for their benefit. The teenage/young adult years bring on a whole new level of stress as our greatest blessings need their greatest guidance and we, the parents, were chosen for the task. It is during some of our best parenting moments that we may feel poorest in spirit. For example, choosing to hold and comfort a screaming baby, when all you’d really like to place her in her room and close the door, can bring peace and comfort to both your hearts; you may have to repeat this action when she’s a teenager! Or taking a deep breath and explaining, one more time, that raising our voice is not the way to ask for something, or not reacting harshly when your teenager comes in a few minutes past their curfew. Parenting is often saying “no” to the flesh and relying on the Holy Spirit's power.


In the Beatitudes, Jesus explains that the characteristics that many look down on are the ones He blesses. How many times do we feel mournful? Poor in spirit? Persecuted by our co-workers, our children, or other parents? Jesus blesses that. The Beatitudes teach all the qualities we can have as a parent: gentleness, peacefulness, mercy…. Our children are looking to us for guidance. We can teach them to love. To pray for the Spirit to fill us with gentleness, peace, mercy, and purity of heart. We can set the example of not giving up when we feel persecuted and just want to hide in our rooms. Those times when we feel poor in spirit, we're blessed. Press on, and by God's grace this season of parenting will be a refreshing blessing instead of a stressful trial. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide as you guide others and find yourselves closer to and more like Jesus.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank you for choosing me to guide the lives of the precious children you’ve blessed me with. Help me lean on the Holy Spirit and rely on Your Word for guidance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Matthew 5:3 (CSB).


Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.