The Power of One
"I [God] sought for a man [person] among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."1
Have you ever felt helpless in light of the seemingly overwhelming problems we face in today's world—either at home or abroad? The truth of the matter, however, is that one person can make a world of difference to at least one other person and, more often than not, to a host of other persons.
Some time ago a friend sent the following anonymous poem to me. I'd like to share it with you today.
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam can light a room.
One candle can wipe out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see it's up to YOU!
As another has said, "All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one small candle." And as Edward Everett Hale so eloquently said, "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do."Don't ever forget how very important you are in your world and remember too, that "One person is very important to God, too." Most of his work on earth has been started by one person. God is always looking for people who will do his work on earth. Will you be the one he is looking for today?
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, I'm available. I want to say yes to You today and be one You are looking for. Please use me to be a part of Your plans in what You are doing in the world in which I live. Please show me where I can begin. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus's name, amen."
1. Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV).
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.