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Christmas Lights

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.1


I love the holidays! The sights, sounds, and smells all come together just right to make this such a joyful season. I love being in the stores and hearing Christmas music playing over the speakers. I enjoy taking the long way home just to see the decorations that light up the neighborhoods. I look forward to all the gatherings with friends and family. I particularly like the change in the weather and the shorter days. Not everyone feels this way, though, and that always seems to put a damper on my mood. For some, decorating for the holidays is a bothersome task, Christmas music is annoying, and family gatherings are preferably avoided. This attitude saddens me, for this season, in which we celebrate the birth of our Savior, was meant to bring hope for all mankind (John 3:16)!


Over 2000 years ago, Christ’s birth was announced by a beautiful, bright star in the night sky (Mat. 2:10); the angels sang out in joyful chorus (Luke 2:13-14), and shepherds and wise men traveled to a gathering in celebration of the newborn King (Luke 2:15; Mat. 2:11). The Bible gives us the blueprint on how the Creator intended for this season to be celebrated. However, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the decorations look, how joyous the music is, or how grand the gathering; if Jesus is not the center of that celebration then all might as well be dark.


Jesus doesn’t need all the lights to announce His arrival because Jesus is the light of the world. He was sent into the world to cast out darkness: to point people to God, to call people to repentance for their sins, and to empower his followers to do good works that bring glory to God. You and I are called to be literal lights, announcing Jesus to others. Our words and actions should decorate our lives with Christ’s beauty that radiates from within; not just during the holidays, but all year long! Keep in mind that not everyone will want your Light; not everyone will hear your words or care for your kindness in the same way that many rejected, and still reject, the Salvation Jesus brought. Nevertheless, I pray that you and I will be the Christmas lights this world so very much needs. May others be drawn to your decorative Light as you shine for Jesus!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, in this season, where you are the reason for every celebration, may you be glorified. May our worship be pleasing to your ear. May you see the gift of your Love being passed around and may our light be your Light that others see. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.