Never Forget Who He Is
And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”1
The Christmas celebrations are nearly over, and soon (if we haven’t already) we will begin to put away the decorations that joyfully adorn our homes throughout the holidays. Among those decorations is probably the ceramic Nativity scene that is carefully wrapped and packed away and brought out again year after year. The Nativity scene is a must-have among the decorations because, well, it's the reason for the season, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus! This is the image of Jesus we’re used to seeing: a baby, in an overcrowded stable, surrounded by Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and shepherds with their sheep, all looking toward the newborn King. But what isn’t represented in this gentle scene is the peace that filled the whole earth that night. We can’t see the host of angels filling the skies with worship and proclaiming Glory to God in the Highest! We forget that Whom we are truly celebrating is the King of all kings, the Lord over all of creation, who left His throne in Heaven to come to earth as a humble man and bring us Salvation by way of His cruel death on a cross. Behind that sweet Nativity scene is the God of the Universe who spoke the planets into existence and hung the stars one by one; who placed life on Earth and then carefully placed Earth in the perfect spot in the galaxy; who filled the skies and oceans with creatures who would praise His name just by breathing. That is the God we celebrate!
So, as the holidays come to an end, take joy in the fact that our God reigns in glory every day, not just on cold winter nights, but all year long! Never forget who HE is.
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, You are worthy of so much more than my praise alone, but today I cry out “HOLY!” I stand in awe of the vastness of your glory and am humbled that you chose me to be Your child and for making a way for me to approach you with my worship. I love you, Lord Jesus; Thank you! Amen.
1. Isaiah 6:3 (NIV).
Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.