The World's Greatest Treasure
Believing Satan instead of God, man chose to disobey God and took of the forbidden fruit.
Satan lifted (exalted) man as high as he could and then sent him crashing to destruction. When man disobeyed God, sin entered the human race. This caused man to be eternally separated from God.
God could have thrown away the broken pieces of humanity and started again. But he didn't. His love for mankind was far too great. His priceless treasure must be saved.
But how would this be done and by whom? In all the universe there was nobody capable of restoring broken mankind—except for one—and that was God's only Son.
So at Christmas two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ the Son of God—the one who created all things and with his mighty power flung the stars and galaxies across the heavens to the farthest ends of the universe, the one who made you and me—laid aside his external robes of deity and came to earth as a man. Identifying with us, he was thus able to pay the ransom price for our fall through his death on the cross.
Down the hot, dusty streets of Jerusalem the Son of God searched for broken pieces of humanity. On the pebbly shore of Galilee, by a well in Samaria, in villages and at market places; always he searched. He came "to seek and to save the lost."4
Come to me, all you who
are weary and burdened, and I
will give you rest.
When he healed blind Bartimaeus, the leper, the man with the withered hand, the demoniac, and all the sick and handicapped who came to him; when he accepted and forgave the prostitute, the thief, the despised tax collector, the rich and poor, the religious and irreligious; and when he picked up the little children and held them on his lap, he was picking up the broken pieces of his creation and lovingly placing them back into God's master design. All were of infinite value to Him.
And when God found me, another piece of broken humanity—a fallen, lost sinner—he picked me up, forgave my sin, healed my spirit, and placed me back into his great plan.Today, Christ the Savior is still seeking the lost and calling young and old alike everywhere to come to him for forgiveness, to receive his gift of eternal life, and to be placed back into his divine plan. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened," Jesus said, "and I will give you rest."5 And again, "Whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."6
Christ's invitation includes you too. Today he is calling you to come to him for forgiveness, wholeness and the gift of eternal life.
How can you come? Simply pray and confess your sin to God, ask Christ to come into your heart and life as Lord and Savior, and accept his forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. When you do this, Christ will place you back into his great plan for mankind and into his family. He has promised he would. Why not do this right now? For help click on the God's Invitation link below.
1. Isaiah 14:13-14, (NIV). 2. Isaiah 14:12,15. 3. See Genesis 3:4-5, (NIV).
4. Luke 19:10. 5. Matthew 11:28, (NIV). 6. Revelation 22:17, (NIV).
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5. All articles on the ACTS International website are by Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise noted.
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