ACTS International USA
Web Address:

Communicating the message of Jesus Christ
around the world around the clock
ACTS INTERNATIONAL(A Christian Teaching Service) was founded in 1968 in Australia by Richard (Dick) Innes who has been living in and operating from California since 1981. The web and email ministry of ACTS for the U.S., Australia and New Zealand offices is done by Dick from the U.S. office in California. Dick also writes for ACTS Australia and New Zealand as well as for ACTS U.S., and is the author of Daily Encounter and producer of Weekend Encounter.
ACTS specializes in producing articles that apply the gospel and Christian message to the needs readers feel for the healing of the whole person. This is done through literature, e-mail, the Internet, workshops, seminars, and teaching opportunities.
ACTS is a non-profit church service organization whose members and supporters come from many different Christian churches and denominations. Our purpose is to help the church communicate the Christian message to the wider community—which, via the Internet, has become a world-wide community.
To help fulfill this purpose ACTS' primary goal is to share the gospel and message of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible worldwide, and seek to see them become true followers of Jesus Christ. Our second goal is to see all who record a salvation response (as well as the numerous Christians we minister to) grow toward spiritual and emotional wholeness to the end result that they will greatly enhance their relationships, not only with God, but also with themselves and others.
Based on the words of Jesus, "Do you want to be made whole?" ACTS goal is to apply the Christian message and gospel to the growth and maturity of the whole person and thereby help people become healthy and whole, not only spiritually, but also emotionally, relationally, and physically.
We believe that God is not concerned so much about religion as he is about relationships. That is, he not only wants us to have a right relationship with himself through Jesus Christ, but also with each other—and ourselves.
Furthermore, we believe that God's goal isn't to make people good simply for goodness sake, but to make people whole for only to the degree that we are made whole will our lifestyle, actions, attitudes, behavior, and relationships be wholesome.
We also believe that Christianity is much more than a creed. While the creed is very important, Christianity is more than intellectually believing in a creed. It is experiencing divine love, divine acceptance and divine forgiveness, and communicating these to every life we touch.
More than 40 million of ACTS Encounter outreach leaflets have been distributed worldwide by hundreds of churches, chaplains, other organizations, business and professional people, and lay persons. Thousands of people have recorded a salvation response over the years.
ACTS International
PO Box 73545
San Clemente, California 92673
Click HERE for ACTS U.S.A.