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‘For God who said “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts…’ (2 Corinthians 4:6a).



Helping to Change the world—One Person at a Time

Terry and Lynne George

August/September 2016

Greetings Friend, ​

Dr Sandra Herron tells the story of a little boy named Lance who had a very special grandfather. The family had organised a special party to celebrate Poppa’s birthday with gifts from everyone. As Lance was a big boy now—three years of age—he wanted to give his own present.

For some reason Lance loved erasers and had a large collection of them. They were magical. They could make pencil marks disappear!

‘Happy birthday Poppa,’ Lance said. ‘I have my own present for you.’ Reaching down into the pocket of his jeans he pulled out a tiny gift, wrapped in a tissue with a rubber band twisted around as a bow. ‘It’s for you, Poppa. It’s my favourite rubber. ’Cause, Poppa, I really love you.’ Lance’s little face broke into a huge grin. Reaching into his pocket once more he said, ‘Because I love you so much, I have something else for you.’ He pulled out his chubby little hand which displayed several coins. ‘Here Poppa, you can have all my money. This is all the money I have and it’s for you, Poppa. Happy Birthday.’

With tears sneaking down Poppa’s cheeks he said, ‘Oh Lance, I can’t take all your money.’ ‘Yeah, Poppa, it’s for you ’cause you are my Poppa and I love you. Is it a lot of money? It is all I’ve got.’

It was only thirty-seven cents and an eraser given by a little boy, yet that simple act of unreserved giving brought Heaven to earth in one stunning moment. A sweaty, dimpled hand revealed a glimpse of God.1

It was God’s light shining in the heart of a little boy who gave everything he had to someone he loved—a clear reminder of how much God truly loves each one of us and what He was prepared to give to show us His love.

God knew the true value of His Son and He knew what was in store when the ‘wrapping’ was removed. But He was willing to give mankind that gift—the gift of His own Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, because He loved you and me so much. He also wants us to know that no matter what we have ever done or have failed to do, He loves us totally, absolutely, and unconditionally.

Many people believe that provided we are ‘good’, or as long as we believe in a ‘god’, we will be accepted into Heaven. Yet Jesus made it very clear that He was the only way to the Father. He was God’s only gift. All other attempts will end in failure, forever separated from the source of light, life and love. And like Lance’s Poppa, we simply need to accept God’s gift and say ‘thank you very much’ by inviting Jesus into our hearts and lives.

Furthermore, God also wants everybody in the world to know and understand this same truth.

Who do you love enough to give everything you have in your pockets?

Never before has it been as possible as it is today to reach so many people throughout our community, our nation, and the world, with the current means of communication available.

And this is the purpose of ACTS … to bring God’s light into the darkness and share His most valuable gift—the gift of Jesus Christ, His one and only Son—with everyone we can while we are still able.

We may be few in number, but with you, our valued supporters, we can become a powerful voice for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ with the continued publication of ACTS' Encounter magazine and literature outreach.

One supporter wrote: ‘My wife and I enjoy your Encounter magazine very much and always find it very uplifting to read. As a lay preacher I also find the articles very helpful when preparing a message and also for children’s talks. So good to read out loud.’

Another wrote: ‘The Encounter magazines continue to be interesting and inspirational after so many years—this being evidence of God’s hand upon your ministry. May He bring much fruit from it and bless you all throughout the year.’

Yet another supporter wrote: ‘I have been reading and enjoying this [Encounter] magazine since 1980. My daughter now reads them and finds them inspirational. Thank you.’

For the incredible opportunity we have to continue serving our Lord in this way we sincerely thank each one of you, our valued supporters. You are the ‘gift in our pocket’. You are making ACTS’ gospel outreach possible. As you stand with us this month, may God richly bless you. Through your encouraging notes, prayers and financial donations—you allow ACTS to continue communicating God’s message with all who will listen. Individually we may not be able to achieve very much, but together, we can become a mighty force for Jesus and so help change our world.

What better gift can we give?

Gratefully in Christ, ​

Terry and Lynne George

ACTS Australia

PRAISE REPORT: Praise God for the opportunity of serving Him together through the ministry of ACTS and the privilege of being able to reach so many for Christ. ​Thank God for the completion of ACTS’ book, Talking Tickets. Now at the binders, soon to be delivered.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the financial support required to keep ACTS in its effective outreach programme.

1. Dr. Sandra Herron, © 2010. Used by permission.

"Our greatest legacy will be those who live eternally in heaven because of our efforts.”

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