What People Are Saying ...
"We have added Daily Encounter to Crossmap.com, one of the most visited Christian websites with offices in 15 countries, in our devotional pages along with devotionals by A.W. Tozer, Bible Pathway, C.H. Spurgeon, Charles Stanley's In Touch Ministries, Oswald Chambers, and others. See http://dailyqt.crossmap.com/source/daily-encounter/page1.htm."
An Indian doctor writes: "Thank you for your lovely service. I am a Christian, an orthopedic surgeon employed in Saudi Arabia. I'm slogging it out here only to give my children in India a good start in life. Please send your inspiring Daily Encounter messages to my family in India."
Another writes: "I do find your Daily Encounter most valuable and share it with most of my friends and my pastor. I am a 65 year old lady living in South Africa."
V.K. from Arizona writes: "Thank you for one of the best Christian web sites in the world."
Jeannie (name changed) wrote: "I feared that I may have been HIV positive and was afraid to be tested. But when I read today's Daily Encounter, it gave me the courage to be tested. I went ahead and thank God I am HIV negative. Had I not taken this step I would still be very worried."
"Thank you so very much for the poem, "I Needed the Quiet." You'll never know how much I needed to see this. I'm also going to pass it onto my cousin. My cousin's daughter killed herself on Sunday. Her name was B____. She was only 22 years old. She left behind a six-year-old daughter. I've been trying to find something to send the family that I felt might ease their pain just a little. So God heard my prayer and is answering it through you."
Another writes: I have been getting your Weekend Encounter for a long time and am blessed by your ministry. My husband and I are directors of Christian PenPals Outreach Ministry, reaching out to prisoners and their families. We would like to use your gospel article in our publication if you will give your permission."
And Eve from Sweden wrote, "Yesterday I read your Daily Encounter, 'Approval vs. affirmation' in my church. I think that is something everyone needs to hear."
Christiana, an eleven-year-old girl from New Zealand wrote: "I would like to help but I'm only 11 and I don't have much money-only $3 N.Z."
A request came from a lodge in North Pole, Alaska, to include articles from the ACTS website on their website.
A soldier who receives Daily Encounter wrote. "Your ministry is such an incredible blessing. Many friends have been blessed by your keen and insightful observations."
A counselor in Portugal translated our article on "Successful Marriage" ("Casamento Bem Sucedido") into Portuguese for inclusion in a magazine for woman in Portugal.
A person who accepted Jesus as Savior wrote, "After accepting Christ, I am living the life I always wanted. Thank you so much for bringing Christ into my life."
A respondent from Canada wrote, "Thank God for your life-changing ministry."
Another reader wrote about the Daily Encounter, 'Show me. Don't Tell Me' saying, "This is one of the best devotionals I have ever read."
B.K. shared, "I am very grateful for your permission to reprint your Daily Encounters in our recovery newsletter that I edit, and that I can share them not only with our friends in recovery but also with our whole congregation in the church newsletter. I get positive comments all the time on them."
A personal assistant to a congressman in Washington, DC, wrote, "You have brought tremendous joy and insight into my life. It seems that when I have a difficulty in my life, you have a devotional that answers my questions. Thanks a million."
Another writes, "I began reading your book, You Can't Fly With a Broken Wing, this morning and have almost completed it. I gave one copy to a sister and a copy of How to Mend a Broken Heart to another sister. I also ordered a copy of How to Mend a Broken Heart for a church member. Needless to say, Dick's writings have helped me to overcome much grief and hurt from abuse, divorce and the death of children.
"A friend forwarded a copy of two of your Daily Encounter e-mail messages and they pierced right through me. Your message is so on target to all that I have been dealing with and I know that God will be there for me as I open up to the root of the issue and as you stated so wonderfully to grow from the inside out. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the Word of our GOD so beautifully!" – MP
"Thank you for your faithfulness day in and day out. My church in Beirut, Lebanon is blessed every Sunday morning with one of your Encounter valued readings."
"Thanks a lot for the ACTS web and email ministry. They're doing a great job in helping to build our faith and daily keeping us focused on God. I have incorporated part of your Encounter messages in my Christian study teachings in church and have seen God changing peoples lives and calling more to commit their life to Him. My church is situated in a slum in Kisumu, Kenya."
"Every week when you send out the Weekend Encounter, I copy and send it to those I work with in a large IT Team. They are enjoying it thoroughly. Some have come to me, even our Director, to say how it is relevant and encouraging. We all speak English so there is no need for translation."
Daily Encounter sent to Christopher Reeve's wife. A.G. wrote, "I sent a copy of your Daily Encounter about 'The Lighthouse' to Dana Reeve, Christopher Reeve's wife. I read Christopher's book, Still Me, in which he said that he loved lighthouses. When I read today's Daily Encounter, it jumped out at me so I sent a copy to his widow." (Do pray that Dana will accept Jesus as her Savior.)
Another subscriber wrote: "I prepare a monthly bulletin for a Council of the Knights of Columbus (a Catholic men's group), and would like to include one Daily Encounter in each issue."
K.S. writes, "Thank you so much for your many wonderful insights. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading them in your Daily Encounter each day."
J.B. shares, "I find your Daily and Weekend Encounter emails are a huge help for me to keep Jesus and God in my life and in my thoughts. Between my work emails and the stress of the office I find the Encounter emails a great refreshment for the spirit, and it feels great to know there are thousands of others who feel the same."
"You have brought tremendous joy and insight into my life. It seems that when I have a difficulty in my life, you have a devotional that answers my questions. I am not a new Christian as I have celebrated my salvation for over 50 years, but each year I find new questions that I need to know as I study God's word. Thanks a million." – C.M., New York
Books by Dick Innes, Founder of ACTS International |
You Can't Fly With a Broken Wing
"I began reading Dick's book, You Can't Fly With A Broken Wing, this morning and have almost completed it. I gave one copy to one sister and a copy of How to Mend a Broken Heart to another sister. I also ordered one Broken Heart Book for a church member. Needless to say, Dick's writings have helped me to overcome much grief and hurt from abuse, divorce and death of children. The Lord has been drawing me to places of healing and deliverance for several years now and I hope I can help some of my six siblings and many friends and people that cross my path as I have been blessed." L.S., Texas
A lady in Australia wrote, "I ordered you new book, You Can't Fly With a Broken Wing … and gave my copy away and am ordering two more. This is the most helpful book I have read for 30 years!"
Another reader wrote, "I can't tell you how meaningful your chapter, 'The Magic Number,' was for me. I found it very freeing regarding a relationshp that had been broken for 15 years!"
* * * * * * *
How to Mend a Broken Heart
Andrea Fabry of "Midday Connections" said on the Moody Radio Network (WMBI Chicago), How to Mend a Broken Heart is the best book on resolving loss and grief that I have ever read."
Joan from Kansas wrote: I have just recently read the book How To Mend A Broken Heart. I lost my husband 18 months ago and there are no support groups in this area. This book has done more for me and has helped me more than any of the other books that I have read or even in the professional counseling that I have experienced. And excellent job of writing. I certainly will be recommending the book to everyone I meet that has suffered the lost of a spouse. Thank you so much.
A retired veterinary surgeon, former lecturer at the Royal Veterinarian College of London and at Cambridge, wrote: "I have gone through two divorces and have just read your book, How to Mend a Broken Heart. It is the most helpful counseling I have ever read."
* * * * * * *
I Hate Witnessing
A bestseller with over 100,000 copies in print. Updated Edition with a new chapter on the effective use of e-Mail, the Internet and the electronic media for communicating the gospel.
I Hate Witnessing ... A Handbook for Effective Christian Communications has been studied in several thousand churches and is used as a text book and/or as supplementary reading in a number of colleges for courses in evangelism. Originally published by Regal Books, it is now published by ACTS Communications.
Pastor Ernie Cox of Ontario, Canada, said I've just finished reading I Hate Witnessing and have to say that it is the best thing I've ever read on communicating the gospel."
Pastor Sol Hicks of Albany, Georgia, said, "Your book, I Hate Witnessing, was great—the most genuine thing on personal evangelism in printed form."
"The book that perhaps 95 percent of the Christian community has been waiting for is finally here." – The Chimes, Biola University