God "Speaks"
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."1
A young teenager named Cody went on a mission venture to Ethiopia. While there he was exposed to poverty conditions he never knew existed. On one occasion, a little boy tugged on his shirt, evidently indicating that he wanted the t-shirt which Cody was wearing.
Cody gently turned him away and kept his shirt. He returned to the States and began to reflect upon the trip. The face of the little boy would not leave his memory. Nor would his t-shirt.
Cody began a campaign to collect t-shirts to send to the poverty-stricken country. He made calls, knocked on doors, and eventually had a whopping 18,000 t-shirts of which 10,000 were usable.
CNN called after hearing of his efforts and reported that they had discovered a relief plane to ship the shirts free of chargeâ€"but they could not guarantee where they would end up.
The relief agency used a jet and flew into a country not requiring a customs inspectionâ€"you guessed itâ€"Ethiopia. The recipients were ecstatic. So was Cody.2
When we are in tune with God and living in harmony with His will, we will see His heart and take action. The opportunities for service are all around us, we just have to have the willingness to serve and ask God to lead us.
Suggested prayer, "Dear God, please help me to see the world around me through the eyes of Jesus and be what He would be and, with Your help, do what He would do. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus's name, amen."
1. James 1:27 (NIV).
2. "Visionâ€"It's The Tool of The Spirit." Adapted from John Ortberg, www.willowcreek.org.