Mind Diseases
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord [enthusiastically]."1
There are two serious diseases of the mind that most, if not all of us, will encounter at some time. These diseases have been the cause of ineffectiveness and the death of innumerable churches, organizations, businesses, individuals and nations!
They can afflict the young but mostly those who are above 40. The symptoms are often obvious to outsiders but usually totally oblivious to those inflicted with either of these diseases.
The first disease is "homeostatus" which is a clinging to the status quo with a refusal to change no matter what. The ancient Israelites suffered from this disease when God delivered them out of slavery in Egypt. When things got tough on their road to "recovery," they doubted God and wanted to go back to Egypt. Crazy, you say, but that's what they wanted. As the saying goes, "Better the devil you know than the one you don't know!"
The other disease is "psychosclerosis," a hardening of the attitudes. This disease is equally destructive. Its symptoms can be varied such as legalism, rigidity, arrogance, apathy, Phariseeism, having a closed mind and so on. It is just as deadly as homeostatus.
We need God's wisdom and insight to guard against these crippling diseases. They are two of the enemy's powerful weapons designed to render us ineffective in God's causes.
The remedy? Daily commit and trust your life and way to God, know what his Word, the Bible, teaches and genuinely seek to live in harmony with his will. Ask God every day to keep your eyes open and keep you on the "Truth Road."
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please deliver me from the mind diseases of homeostatus and psychosclerosis. And in the words of the song writer: 'O Lord please light the fire / That once burned bright and clear / Replace the lamp of my first love / That burned with holy fear.' Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus's name, amen."
1. Paul, in Romans 12:11 (NIV).