A 'Yes' Face
'Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and said of him, 'Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!'"1 That is, Nathanael was an open-faced, honest, genuine man.
Charles Swindoll wrote how "During Thomas Jefferson's presidency he and a group of travelers were crossing a river that had overflowed its banks. Each man crossed on horseback fighting for his life. A lone traveler watched the group traverse the treacherous river and then asked President Jefferson to take him across.
"The president agreed without hesitation, the man climbed on, and the two made it safely to the other side of the river where somebody asked him: "Why did you select the President to ask this favor?
"The man was shocked, admitting he had no idea it was the President of the United States who had carried him safely across. 'All I know,' he said, 'is that on some of your faces was written the answer, 'No,' and on some of them was the answer, 'Yes.' His was a 'Yes' face."2
Years ago when I was involved in counselor training, a fellow student wept with me when I was sharing the buried grief I had over the death of my little sister when I was only five years of age. I vividly recall how, when she wept with me, I looked into her face and as clear as crystal I saw the face of Jesus. Sue certainly had a 'Yes' face. And we could undoubtedly say that Nathanael had a 'Yes' face.
When people see me coming or when they meet me, what is their reaction? I trust and pray by the grace of God that I too, will always have a 'Yes' face.
Suggested Prayer: Dear God, I pray that by Your grace, like Nathaniel that I will be a man in whom there is no guile, that I will always be open-faced, honest, and authentic. Please help me to have a 'Yes' face always in all ways for your glory. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus's name, amen.”
1. John 1:47 (KJV).
2. Inspiration Peak, http://www.inspirationpeak.com/cgi-bin/stories.cgi?record=141