The Pathway to Deliverance and Freedom
“You ask, and don't receive, because you ask amiss [wrongly], that you may consume it upon your lusts.”1
A subscriber struggling with sexual addiction writes for help as her prayers for deliverance weren’t being answered. I thanked her for her honesty telling her that that was the beginning point for delivery from any problem, and replied to her as follows.
Sometimes our prayers are not answered because we are praying the wrong prayer. That is; sometimes when we have a problem, we pray and ask God to deliver us from the problem we see, but often the problem we see is not the problem that is, but rather, the symptom of a deeper problem or the cause of the problem.
For instance, people with sex, love or any kind of addiction very often never felt truly loved as a child by either their father or mother, and deep down (unconsciously) are still searching for love in all the wrong ways and places. When we don’t feel loved, multiple sexual or romantic relationships will never heal the deep wound of not feeling loved. Feeling wanted is not feeling loved. It can end up making the person feel used"and thereby less loved.
The first step, as already noted, is to admit that one has a problem and confess it to a trusted pastor, counselor or an understanding, safe friend who will not be “cursed with the affliction to give unsolicited advice” that never delivers anyone.
The second step is to learn how to pray the right prayer; that is pray for truth because, as God’s Word says, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”2 Thus, as long as we are not free, there is some truth we are not facing and dealing with. So I encourage you to pray the following prayer every day until deliverance comes and you are set free:
“Dear God, I confess that I am a sex/love/alcohol or ‘whatever’ addict; please confront me with the truth/reality of why I am an addict and help me to see the reason/s and cause of why I am acting out in self-destructive ways via my addictive behavior"no matter how painful it might be to face the cause of my problem. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus's name, amen."
The third step, if needed, is wherever possible to get the help of a fine professional Christian counselor. If you live in the U.S. or Canada you can call the Narramore Christian Foundation at 1-800-477-5893 and press “1” and ask if they can give you the name of a fine Christian counselor in your area.
1. James 4:3 (KJV).
2. John 8:32 (NIV).