"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…."1
Dear Daily Encounter Subscriber:
Tragically, ACTS was "hacked" the same day that we sent out our
special Christmas support appeal letter to you. Almost immediately
afterwards, we received over 250,000 spam emails which jammed our email server,
and we had to be closed down so that all the spam junk emails could be removed.
Because of this, we have heard from several supporters who tried
to donate but their contributions were not able to go through. If you
donated during the second week in December, and have not had an email thank you
response from us, please check your credit card to see if the donation was
processed and if not, will you please resubmit your donation which will be a great
help and greatly appreciated.
We are sorry for this inconvenience, but know that as long as we
are publishing the gospel message of Jesus Christ, we are bound to be attacked
by the enemies of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please pray, too, that ACTS gospel outreach ministry will receive excellent year-end
giving â€" so that all invoices will be paid on time â€" and that we will be able
to have an excellent ministry outreach start in the New Year of 2018. Please
pray, too, that God will protect ACTS from all attacks.
Know that your prayer â€" as well as your financial support â€" is
vital for the continued gospel ministry outreach of ACTS International, and is
and always will be very much appreciated.
As you stand with us, may God richly bless and reward you in His
own abundant way.
To donate safely on line please go to: https://actscom.com/donate.php
Gratefully in Christ,
Richard and Joy
Richard (Dick) and Joy Innes
P.S. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and God’s
very best blessings for the New Year.