“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to
impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look
out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”1
A lady answered the knock on her door to find a man with a
sad expression. "I'm sorry to disturb you," he said, "but I'm
collecting money for an unfortunate family in the neighborhood. The husband is
out of work, the kids are hungry, the utilities will soon be cut off, and
worse, they're going to be kicked out of their apartment if they don't pay the
rent by this afternoon." "I'll be happy to help," said the woman
with great concern. "But who are you?" "I'm the landlord,"
he replied.
If we serve only when there is “something in it for us,” our
actions soon lose that “loving feeling!” Christian
love is not about us, but about others. Love for God and others is to mark the
believer, not love for self. When Jesus says to “love our neighbor as
ourselves”, he teaches us that concern for others must equal the natural
concern we have for ourselves. A person who demands his own way, or who uses
others for personal benefit, is not showing love.
It is not uncommon to see a prominent
sense of entitlement and egocentrism in today’s society. Many get so caught up
in their own success and wellbeing, that they become blind to the people around
them. Instead of looking out for the needs of others, we become internally
focused, only seeing our own needs and wants. Or, like the landlord in the above
illustration, we only help when it benefits us as well! However, as Christians,
we have the opportunity to be the change! Love should be a characteristic that
is the “norm” when it comes to being a child of God, because God IS love. God
loves us unconditionally and showed us the perfect example of selfless love in
Jesus, who came and died for our sins. Let us show love to someone, other than
ourselves, today!
Suggested prayer: Dear God, keep me from
seeking my own desires and wellbeing above those of others. I want to be the
difference that changes someone’s day from gloomy to bright! Help me love
others genuinely without expecting any gain from it. Thank you for Jesus who
was the ultimate example of love and for the Holy Spirit who enables me to
transmit that love to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT).