Daniel: Prayer Warrior
“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he
went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he
knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before
his God, as was his custom since early days.”1
The prophet Daniel holds the title of
being God’s Humble Servant, but also the title of Mighty Prayer Warrior.
Daniel, along with other Jewish young men, had been exiled to Babylon to serve
in the court of the pagan king, Nebuchadnezzar. During this time, Daniel was
faced with many difficult situations in which he had to choose between the
Godly ways he had been taught and Babylon’s pagan ways in order to please the
king. In each circumstance, Daniel remained faithful to God and covered himself
in prayer.
At a young age, Daniel had learned the value
of prayer and communion with his Heavenly Father, and this carried him through
the darkest times of his life. What made Daniel a great prayer warrior, was
that he acknowledged that God was Omnipotent (all-powerful). Daniel went to the
Lord with some pretty big prayer requests, never doubting God’s power. When the
king needed an interpretation to a dream, Daniel trusted God for the answer.
Later, under a new king, Daniel’s prayer time was sabotaged by some envious
officials who didn’t like Daniel’s friendship with the king. These men tricked
the king into signing a decree that stated that only the king could be
worshipped, and knowingly, used Daniel’s prayer time to bring him down. The consequence
was a trip to the lion’s den! (Daniel 6) There, Daniel once again lifted his
voice to the Omnipotent Creator, and God, in all His power, sent His angel to
close the mouths of the lions, allowing them to be in peace with Daniel. He
knew that no matter how bleak his future looked, he could rely on the fact that
God’s plan for him was perfect.
Daniel was a mighty prayer warrior
because he was bold when praying to God. He fasted, or sacrificed, worldly
things in order to seek God’s presence. Daniel interceded for his people,
asking God to forgive them of their sins. (Daniel 9) Oh, to be able to pray
like Daniel! God
answered Daniel in a real and mighty way, and He can do the same for you! A
prayer warrior prays consistently in hope, knowing that, with GOD, all
things are possible. (Mat. 19:26)
Suggested Prayer:
Dear God, how I desire
to come boldly before your throne and pray as Daniel did! Thank you for making
a way, through Jesus, to come to you with our needs and fears, but more
importantly to praise and glorify your Holy name. You are great, all-powerful;
and you are loving and merciful. You alone are worthy of our praise. In Jesus’
name, Amen.
Daniel 6:10 (NKJV).
Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B.