“Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered
people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul.”1
I am sure we have all heard the term “fun-sucker” before.
It refers to a person who lacks a sense of humor, is negative, or shuts down
the fun instead of participating. In the same way, a “joy-sucker” is someone
who is determined to discourage you or create stress on your ministry or life
in general. They are people who have a negative outlook, are attention seeking,
are disappointed with some aspect of their life, and they will find something
to criticize in everything you do. Since they are not happy people, they will
do all they can to make others unhappy as well. If we take a moment, I am sure
we can all think of a couple people in our lives that fit this description (and
I hope it isn’t you!).
When surrounded by negative or short-tempered people, it is
likely that over time you will start demonstrating some of the same behaviors
if you are not careful. That is probably why today’s verse, and others
throughout the Bible, encourage us to stay away from people like this
altogether! Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit within us and is a testimony of
who God is and what he has done in us. If you lack joy as a Christian, it is
possible you have unresolved issues from your past that still have a hold on
your life. In this case, I would encourage you to have an honest conversation
with God about what those things are, and if needed, seek the help of a
Christian counselor or pastor to walk with you through this process.
There will always be someone who makes being joyful
difficult, but let us love them, pray for them, and learn to distance ourselves
when needed. Setting healthy boundaries is important in helping us stay focused
on the work God has for us. And let us be sure that we are not being a
“joy-sucker” to others! Always start by looking inwardly before you start
looking at others. The joy of the Lord is our strength and is just one of the
characteristics of a follower of Christ.
Suggested prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the joy you have
given me through your Holy Spirit. I ask that you help me always be an encouragement
to others and that your joy would be contagious to those around me! Help me
know when healthy boundaries are needed and give me wisdom to encounter difficult
situations that arise. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’
name, amen.
22:24-25 (NLT).
Today’s Encounter was written by: Crystal B.