the good fight of the faith.1
I first came to Christ, I began to hear words that I’d never really paid
attention to before; words like faith. Faith. Certainly I had heard it before,
but what did it mean? I remember a preacher trying to illustrate the word in
his sermon saying, “Before you sat down, did you consider if that chair would
hold you or did you just have faith that it would?” So, faith was like trust?
Or, he’d ask us to consider the fact that we can take a deep breath and fill
our lungs with an oxygen that… we can't see? So, faith is trusting in
something I can’t see! (Heb. 11:1)
we understand what faith is, we can begin to grow in our own spiritual
maturity. Biblical faith, God’s gift of faith, is something we will want to
fight for! Toward the end of his ministry, the apostle Paul lovingly addressed
Timothy, his companion and son in the Lord, urging him to protect his faith.
Throughout the two personal letters that Paul wrote, we can almost feel him
pleading with Timothy to remain steady in his faith to the point of fighting
for it. (1Tim.6:12) Fighting for our faith is the only battle truly worth
fighting. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, written from a prison cell, we
see him fondly looking back on his ministry, first recalling the sincere faith
he had seen in Timothy’s own mother and grandmother. (2 Tim. 1:5) After
reminding Timothy that the same faith is in him also, Paul continues
encouraging him until at last, leading once more by example, says: “I have
fought the good fight …. I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7)
that your fight will not be in vain. A victor’s crown of righteousness awaits
all of those who have loved the Lord and have had faith in Him. (2 Tim. 4:8)
Let this be the encouragement we need to keep fighting today.
Lord, I admit that my faith in You has wavered and I have found myself in
places of doubt and worry. But today I return to the fight because You fought
for me first. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. 1 Timothy 6:12a.
Encounter was written by: Veronica B.