Hear my voice when I
call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his
face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.1
A close relationship
with the Lord does not happen by accident. It requires continuous, intentional
decisions to seek it. Closeness to God is not achieved just by attending a
special conference or retreat on a weekend, or by reading a chapter or two of the
Bible and praying indifferently. Seeking God is a lifelong commitment: day by
day, year by year.
Many believers are
content to have a shallow relationship with the Lord. They approach God for
relief from suffering or other needs, but they are unwilling to sit quietly for
an extended period of time just to get to know Him by praying and reading His
Word. However, the most important pursuit in a believer's life is to build a
relationship with God (Psalm 27:4). To give up this blessing is a great
God doesn't need
anything from you, but He does want your loving devotion and intimate
fellowship. Ask yourself: Is this what I want? If yes, are you willing to make
the necessary commitment? Seeking the Lord cannot be something you do in a
hurry or approach casually (Psalm 63:1). Although it will take time and effort,
the rewards are well worth any sacrifice.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I want to have a close relationship with you. I
understand that for that to happen, I have to be intentional in finding the
time to be in Your presence. Help me to seek that intimate and loving communion
with you in a constant way. May my priority be you, beloved Father, day by day.
I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
1. Psalm
27:7-8 (NIV).
Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.