“Even now,” declares the Lord,
“return to me with all your heart…” Rend your heart… Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and
compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love…”1
week marks the beginning of six weeks traditionally set aside for prayer,
fasting, and reflection in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ; a time known as Lent. The 40-day fasting period for Lent was
settled on because of the significance with that time frame in the Bible. In
Genesis 7, Noah and his family were in the ark while it rained for 40 days and
40 nights. For 40 days, Moses sat atop Mount Sinai receiving instruction from
the Lord. (Exodus 24) Fleeing Jezebel’s wrath, Elijah walked 40 days and 40
nights towards the mountain of God. In Matthew 4, we find Jesus himself fasting
and praying while being tempted by the devil " these are the “40” that the
days of Lent primarily identify with.
prepared himself for His death with a time of prayer. Going off on His own to
seek the will of God, His Father. This is His example to us. We can all use
time alone with God to seek His will and reflect on His lovingkindness and
mercy toward us, His children. Maybe you’ve stepped away from God, or allowed
other things to replace your time with Him, and it’s time to return! He’s
waiting for you with open arms. Allow these next 6 weeks to be a time of
refreshment for your soul as you find peace with your Savior. Meditate on
Scriptures that will remind you of His Goodness and of His Gift of Love to all
mankind. Ask God for forgiveness and thank Him for dying that cruel and
horrible death in your place so that you might have eternal salvation in His
you’re not physically ready to fast a meal, but maybe there is something else
you can fast " a habit, television, social media? I’d like to encourage you
that from now until Resurrection Sunday (and beyond) you read your Bible; take
time to pray; attend church weekly. You might not attend a church that observes
Lent, but you can make this a personal practice to prepare yourself, and your
family, for the greatest event of the year " Easter, the resurrection of our
Lord, You are Great and Worthy of praise! Forgive me if I’ve not given You
that place in my life. I ask that you allow me a new start to return to You
with my whole heart, soul, and mind. I love you and I praise you, In Jesus’
name, Amen.
1. Joel 2:12-13 (NIV).
Encounter was written by: Veronica B.