Worship Like Nobody’s Watching
Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has
done a beautiful thing to me.”1
few days before His crucifixion, Jesus was visiting His friends in the village
of Bethany. While having dinner, He was approached by Mary, the sister of
Martha and Lazarus. Mary loved to be near Jesus and listen to His Words. During
a previous visit, she had been reproached by her sister Martha for leaving all
the housework to her while Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. Mary’s love for Jesus was
so great that on this day, she paid no heed to anyone as she knelt at Jesus’
feet once again. In her hands she held a beautiful bottle of expensive perfumed
oil which was a very valuable treasure. As she broke it, the fragrance filled
the room while Mary poured the oil over Jesus' feet in sacred worship. She
didn't pay any attention to who was watching or what people might be saying.
she was worshiping her Jesus - like no one was watching! In this moment, it was
her and her Lord, nothing else mattered. The spectators were indeed talking
about" and criticizing"her actions. But Jesus understood her actions, He knew
her heart, and He received her worship, immediately quieting those who had only
seen the shame of it. Mary only desired to sit at Jesus' feet and worship Him
with no fear for the cost. No sacrifice was too great for her Lord.2
If you have chosen to fast something during this Lent season, is it a sacrifice
of worshipful love and praise for our God? Or are our sacrifices geared for our
benefit? If we can learn one thing from Mary today, it’s to worship with
everything you’ve got " like no one is watching!
Lord, You are Great and worthy of all praise! Help me to worship you with all
my heart and soul, not worrying what others might say or think. Fill my mind
with thoughts of You. I’m at Your feet Lord, You are my Strength. In Jesus’
name, Amen.
1. Matthew 26:10.
2. John 12:1-8.
Encounter was written by: Veronica B.