New Year's Resolutions
Wishing all a very Happy and God-blessed New Year!
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."1
Writing in The Age, a Melbourne, Australia newspaper, John Weldon stated that "the custom of making New Year's resolutions 'has been observed since ancient Babylonian timesâ€"when most of the resolutions recorded concerned, not surprisingly considering that culture's fascination with all things agricultural, the returning of borrowed gardening tools.'"1
That's a great idea for a practical New Year's resolutionâ€"returning things we've borrowed!
Because New Year's Day is the oldest special day of the "Big Five: Mother's Day, birthdays, Christmas and Easter," Weldon is amazed that some marketer hasn't commercialized this day as it has the other four for squeezing another buck out of unsuspecting customers.
Fortunately, New Year's day hasn't been commercialized (yet) and while most New Year's resolutions don't last longer than a day's journey to the next temptation, I still think it is a good idea to make at least one that you (with God's help) vigorously intend to keep and then do something about making it happenâ€"providing it is a resolution of value.
Suggested prayer for the New Year:
"Dear Lord, Please give me …
A few friends who know me and love me still,
A thankful heart to give you praise always and in everything,
A trusting mind to keep on believing in you no matter what the future holds,
A humble, pleasing personality,
A teachable disposition,
A thoughtful, kind, and caring touch,
A forgiving and understanding spirit,
A loving and accepting attitude to communicate your love to every life I touch,
A worthwhile work into which I can put my best efforts and thereby help make my world a better place in which to live, and
A life that will make a difference not only in my world, but in my street and, most of all, in my home. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."
1. Matthew 5:6-9 (NIV).
2. John Weldon, "There's gold in those New Year's resolutions," The Age, Melbourne, Australia, December 29, 2004,