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People Power for Jesus
Too Important Not to Share
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Jesus weeping over a lost world

Too Important Not to Share


Mercedes TV commercial a few years ago showed a Mercedes crashing into a concrete wall during a safety test? An engineer in a white lab coat walks over after the crash and kneels down to examine the damage, which is minimal. A reporter then asks the engineer about Mercedes' energy absorbing car body. After the engineer tells all about the unique design the reporter asks him why Mercedes doesn't enforce their patent on the design, a design evidently copied by several other companies because of its success.

"The engineer then replied matter-of-factly, 'Because some things in life are too important not to share.' How true this is. There are many things in life that fall into this 'too important not to share category.' Advances in science, in medicine, in technology. But all of these pale in importance to that of sharing the gospel."1

As Billy Graham said: "I am convinced the greatest act of love we can ever perform for people is to tell them about God's love for them in Christ."

1. Rev. Steve Jackson, Sermon: "Come and See."

Richard (DIck) Innes, Director of ACTS International A special message from Dick Innes
Director of ACTS International

Dear Friend,

The memory of the recent presidential race is now history. The majority of the U.S. citizenry voted for change—the effects of which will still remain to be seen.

There are many reasons why President-elect, Barak Obama, won. Not being a political pundit, I wouldn’t attempt to define these except to say that one of the major reasons is because Obama knew how to tap into the immense resource of "people power." 

As another put it: "It’s beyond dispute that Obama was able to energize and organize a grassroots army. His candidacy mobilized countless volunteers who had never been active in a campaign before. They made phone calls, knocked on doors, passed out literature, registered voters, and turned voters out to vote."

Why did they do this? Because Obama inspired them with a vision for change.

"His huge advantage in fundraising helped a lot, but even that can be attributed in great part to tapping into ‘people power’.... There is no doubt that he was able to build a grassroots army of small donors—the likes of which no presidential campaign has ever done.”

And why did they do this? Because Obama inspired them with a vision for change.

Obama’s vast number of helpers and small donors (without mentioning his large donors) proves once again the effectiveness of a motto like we have in ACTS International: When many people each do a little, together we can accomplish great feats for God.

Change can mean anything—good or bad. What we need today is not change but reform and a spiritual revolution—without which we may be on a course for national disaster.

The very fact that our society has needed to vote on whether or not to accept gay marriage is beyond belief. Those who are for gay marriage will never stop pushing until they get it accepted ... more and more they are gaining ground.

President Reagan said, “As goes the family so goes the nation.” The acceptance of gay marriage would eat away at the very foundation of the family—the family as designed by our Creator and confirmed by thousands of years of experience—and also by nature. We destroy the family; we destroy the nation. We destroy the nation; we destroy it for our children and our children’s children!

Furthermore, the growing acceptance of almost every kind of abortion for any kind of reason, and voting for young underage pregnant girls to have an abortion without parental knowledge … and, worse still, the unthinkable acceptance by many (including many political leaders) of partial-birth abortion—a barbaric inhumane form of murder—is also beyond belief in a nation that was built on Christian and Judeo-Christian morals and ethics.

May God have mercy on us. These are some of the changes the American people voted for. Amazing. Unbelievable.

Friends, this is alarming. As Chuck Colson said, “How has America come to this point? Why is our economy on the brink of disaster? Why is our culture so utterly depraved?

“I can only think of what Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said about the catastrophic consequences of the Russian revolution. “I recall,” he said, “hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.”

“Solzhenitsyn was right. Indeed, I can’t find any better explanation for why we Americans find ourselves in the state we are in. We have forgotten God.”

An English bishop once said, “Everywhere the Apostle Paul went there was either a revival or a revolution. Everywhere I go they serve tea.”

Friend, are we, the members of Christ’s Church, willing (with God’s help) to do everything in our power to form a dynamic “people power” group to usher in a revival or a revolution, or will we stay in our comfort zone and remain satisfied with serving tea?

Will we settle for change by a leader whose past record proves how rank liberal he is—with changes (that could ultimately destroy the family), and the appointing of liberal judges who will interpret the law and the constitution to their liking?

Or will we become a part of a vast network of “people power” movers to help and to do everything in our power: to pray; to share the gospel—the only hope for our sin-sick world—by forwarding suitable web articles and Daily Encounters; by using attractive business witness cards; by sponsoring a Good News Website for Yourtown; and/or to help financially.

In so doing, with God's help, let us pray and do our part to help bring in a spiritual awakening, revival and/or revolution.

Deeply concerned when I was praying recently (and feeling totally helpless and inadequate), I prayed to God, “What can I do about the situation we are facing today in our nation and around the world? I am only one ordinary average person so what can I do? I have no idea, God, but I’m available to be a part of a spiritual awakening—whatever the cost may be.”

Also in my Bible reading this morning I was reminded how the early disciples were persecuted tremendously for the stand they made for Jesus Christ—and I was scared. But then I said to God, “Okay God, whatever? Please use me in whatever way you choose—whatever the cost may be.”

Soon after my prayer time on this particular morning I read about the “people power” group that was a vital part of getting Obama elected. And whether of God or not I don’t know, but I thought, why don’t we form a “people power” group for Jesus? Jesus started with a motley group of twelve so why can’t we start with a tiny group? So I am asking you today, will you join with Joy and me in a “People Power Group for Jesus Network” and see what God will do? If so Click HERE.

NOTE: Click HERE to to see various ways you can be involved in being a People Power for Jesus Network Team Member.

Let’s trust God to lead us one step at a time and let our motto be:

When many people each do a little, together
we can accomplish great feats for God.”

Please consider this prayerfully and please may we hear from you today? To join, click on the "Join People Power" button link below.

Sincerely in Christ,

Richard (Dick) and Joy Innes

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A Word from God's Word: "It is God himself, in his mercy, who has given us this wonderful work [of telling his Good News to others], and so we never give up" (2 Corinthians 4:1, TLB).

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