These cards are very attractively produced and provide a very simple, non-confrontive and non-offensive way to invite friends and contacts to visit an appealing website that applies the gospel and Christian message to the every day felt needs people experience.
NOTE: At this time Business Witness Cards are available for:
Thank You for Your Friendly Service; Daily Encounter ... free daily inspirational; Find Peace With God; How to Be Sure You're a Real Christian;
Good News for USA; Good News for Canada; Good News for the World; Thank You for US Marines and Families; For Español (Spanish) Gospel Website; People Power You Are Invited; Good News for San Clemente; and Stainless steel business card holder.
For one or more packs of 50 Business Witness cards please include a minimum suggested donation of $5 for one pack; $9 for two packs; $12 for three packs; and $15 for four packs. This donation is to cover the cost of printing, packing and shipping.
To see samples and order witness cards go to:
NOTE: Business witness cards are available only for mailing to the U.S. and Canada at this time...unless additional postage cost is included. We will notify you of the additional cost at the time of ordering and wait for your confirmation before placing and shipping your order.
By sponsoring a Good News website for your town/area.
ACTS will be happy to set up a Good News website for your town or area. It can be sponsored by a local church, a group of churches, by a business, an individual, or a special group.
For a pilot sample see: See also
For detailed information re a check the "Good News Website Information" box on the response form below. Click HERE.
By becoming a financial share/prayer partner.
ACTS International is a nonprofit organization and exists only because of the generosity and loyalty of concerned Christians. Our gospel outreach work has never been more imporant and your partnership never more essential. We can't do it without your help. As an ACTS Outreach Partner together we will continue to share the gospel and message of Jesus Christ 24-7-365 to multiplied thousands of people worldwide daily.
Support can be sent securely online at or via PayPal. In the line at the top of the PayPal page where it says "Item" write in the box: "ACTS Outreach Partner donation."
NOTE: U.S. donations are tax deductible.
Click HERE to send support by Credit Card or via PayPal
To send support by check or Money Order via snail-mail (post), send to ACTS International at the address below.